Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How Successful People Manage Their Time

I want to give you a revelation in life. You might need to take a pen, write this down and put this on the wall in front of your table. It is this.
Each of us has 24 hours a day.
Yes, 24 hours. Whether you are a toilet cleaner or a CEO of a listed company, you have 24 hours a day. Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and my favorite motivational speaker, Adam Khoo has 24 hours a day.
How do you think they manage to do so many great things within 24 hours a day, while some of us complain that we do not have time?
There are 3 ways you can do the same if you follow act upon these principles.

1. Analyze Your Lifestyle

Everyone lives differently and only you, yourself know what kind of lifestyle that suits you best. Also, each people manage their time differently based on the nature of their lifestyle.
Analyzing your lifestyle simply means living your life circumspectly. What does it mean to live circumspectly?
It means you are cautious, pay close attention and carefully evaluate your schedule. In order to save time, you must first know how to lose it.
Having a full time job from 9am - 6:30pm during the weekdays, I still have to find the best resources to post on my Excellence Blog. Not only that, I need to attend cell group, conduct bible study, attend leaders meeting every Tuesday and fellowship with the people around me.
That's not all. During the weekend, I spend most of my time doing my Internet marketing projects.
My schedule may not be as busy as some of you who are reading my blog but I can assure you this is not what an ordinary person can or is willing to do.
So my point is not trying to tell you how busy I am but to share with you what kind of lifestyle I have and how I managed to do so many things in a week.
I've seen people keep complaining that they have not time to do this and that but they have time to watch TV, upload photos to Facebook or Friendster and going for movies.
So examine your lifestyle and you will be able to know how you can slot in time to do much more.
"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Aristotle.

2. Utilize The Present

"I'll do it later!" and "I'll wait for the right time to do it". This is the number killer that people do not take action. It is not that they do not have the desire to take action but they keep procrastinating. This should not be the path for you and me.
If there is a better time to certain things, it should be right now. Adam Khoo said that the reason why he is so successful is not because he was more gifted or more talented than others. It is his ability to take action now that makes all the difference.
While others procrastinate and spending time to analyse the business model, he simply took action.
So friends, make the most out of every opportunity you have.

3. Prioritize What's Important

I have a lady friend of mine is not doing very well with her health recently. I asked her why she never make an appointment to meet the doctor up and she told me that she does not have time.
She has been very busy with her day job and part time accounting work. By the time she reaches home in the evening, she will be dead tired to do anything else.
I then asked, "Why don't you take half a day off from your work and go to see the doctor?"
"I am so busy with my work and my supervisor keep giving me work to do. It is just never ending"
"Well, you need to know your priority. If your health is not even helping you, what else can you do?"
She went silent for a short while and said, "Alright Rahul, I'll make an appointment next week".
Sometimes, you need to know what is important and what is not, so that you can plan your time accordingly. Do what is important first and the ones that are of lesser importance later.

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